“Stay the Course” with the Help of Christian Coaching
By dougl1kj | Blog , Counseling and Therapy
Developing vision is central in the process when working with a Christian Life Coach. We have to have a well defined vision, but if we don’t know how to get there, the vision doesn’t have much value. That is one of the greatest benefits of Biblical coaching. How many of us have had so many dreams go unfulfilled that we just give up on dreaming and decide it is best to just go with the flow? Unfortunately, too many people accept this course and just let life take them where it will without any control over the direction.
Early in my career I was a wilderness therapist working with troubled kids on various wilderness excursions. On one of these trips to Canada I was charged with training a new staff person while we navigated through complex networks of creeks and lakes. On one particular day, after some training, I put the new staff in front with the students while I stayed in the sweep canoe. After navigating through one lake, we needed to head to a small stream that connected us to another lake where we would camp for the night. The vision was in place for this young staff person, he had to get us to camp. He could see it on the map but when he looked for the stream, he couldn’t find it. He knew where it was supposed to be but when he looked at that side of the lake, all he saw was trees and vegetation. Even though I had confirmed his heading he didn’t trust it because he couldn’t see the stream that would get us where we needed to go. He started in that direction but every few minutes he looked back and threw his hands in the air wanting to stop and change course. My only response was to take my paddle and point straight ahead. I was saying “stay the course.” He must have needed this reassurance 20 times before he began to see the creek. When he finally saw it he turned around with the most confused look on his face. How could it have been there all along and he not seen it. Had I not been there to encourage him to trust his heading and to “stay the course” who knows where he would have ended up. You see, I could see the creek all along because I knew what to look for. I had done it before and trusted the direction we were heading.
Sometimes life is like this example. We have a vision of where we want to get but we can’t see how to get there. We question ourselves and without a wise mentor or life coach we often change our course or give up on the dream and just accept staying where we are. We get stuck! Not knowing what direction to go in to reach our dream can be debilitating. Did you know that if the Space Shuttle’s course is even a fraction of an inch off it will end up missing the moon by 13,000 miles? Not knowing precisely what course to take to reach our dreams can land us just as far off course!
Christian life coaching not only helps you refine your vision but also helps you “stay the course” even when it doesn’t make sense or you can’t see where you are going. A good Biblical life coach can do this because he has done it before, and knows how the process works. In Life Coaching you are the expert on your life while the coach is the expert on the process. With this partnership you can accomplish great things in your life and have the abundant life God always planned for you to have.
1 You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. 2You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. 3 That’s right – you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. Psalm 119:1-3 (The Message)
Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Those of us at BiblicalLifeCoaches.com and Grace Wellness Center would like to come along side you, help you “stay the course” and help you make your dreams reality. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!
To get there you have to begin the journey, let’s get started!
By Stephen Luther
Executive Director of Grace Wellness Center
Licensed Professional Counselor and Biblical Life Coach